Saving The Most Money On Car Expenses

Saving The Most Money On Car Expenses

The ongoing costs tied to car ownership can quickly add up. Insurance, gas and repairs can easily throw you in the red if you don’t properly plan for them by saving money ahead of time. In this post, I am gong to walk you through some ways to cut your ongoing...
Buying a Used Car: Why Older is Better

Buying a Used Car: Why Older is Better

This past week, I announced that I got a new job. The job comes with a lot of potential advancement in addition to it being a direct application of my unique skill set. This is not to mention the slight pay increase as well. In many ways, it was a...
Advantages of a One Car Family

Advantages of a One Car Family

When I got my new job in December of last year, much of my life changed. One of which was the transition from a one-car family to a two-car family. At the time, my wife was driving to work and school in the opposite direction as I would be traveling to my new job. I...
When to Cancel Collision Insurance on Your Car

When to Cancel Collision Insurance on Your Car

One of the pleasures of owning a car is having to pay car insurance. I use the term “pleasure” loosely. While it hurts sometimes to make that semi-annual or annual car insurance payment, you can take comfort in knowing that should the unfortunate occur, you are...