Is It Worth it to Study Abroad?

Is It Worth it to Study Abroad?

Let’s face it, college is expensive. Everyday students are making decisions on whether to go to college and take on huge loads of debt, or skip college altogether. Some fall in the middle, where they decide to go to community college for a couple of years to...
Planning Ahead For College

Planning Ahead For College

Summer is a great time for soon to be college students and current college students. You get to come home, reconnect with friends and family and enjoy life. But, there are some things you should do over the summer to make your upcoming school year the best it can be....
Seeing Things Through To The End

Seeing Things Through To The End

Ahh, spring! After the winter we had, spring is certainly welcomed by most everyone. With spring comes the warm weather, longer days and thoughts of the upcoming summer. While all of these things are good, they can also derail your studies. Trust me, I’ve been...
Being Smart With Student Loans

Being Smart With Student Loans

Student loans are an inevitable part of many college students lives. When I was an undergrad, I was lucky enough to only have taken out a couple of loans that were reasonable in amount. But when I went back to school for my graduate degree, I made a mistake that set...