by Don | Buying Your First Home
I bought my house back in 2007. At the time, I was foolishly under the impression that my monthly mortgage payment was my only monthly expense on the house. Boy was I wrong! There are a lot of additional costs when owning a home. Some we might think of, while others...
by Don | Buying Your First Home, Manage Your Finances
We moved last year, so this is our first winter in the new house. We recently received the electric bill and had a mini-stroke. While we knew it would be more expensive since it was a larger home, we weren’t prepared for how much higher it was. So I set off to...
by Don | Manage Your Finances
Wouldn’t it be great to have an amazing sports car in your garage? Maybe have an awesome beach house? We all want those things but we tend to only look at them on the surface. We see the amazing car in the garage but we don’t think about the cost of...
by Don | Manage Your Finances
With personal finance not being taught in schools, we learn about money from our parents. If they were good with money, odds are we will be too. But if they were bad with money, then the chances we end up with the same bad habits are likely. I was lucky in that my...
by Don | Career, how to save money
You read stories all of the time about how to make more money. We are all searching for ways to make money and surprisingly for most of us, the answer is staring us back in the mirror. That’s right, you make money by banking on yourself. How do you do this?...
by Don | how to save money, Manage Your Finances
You’ve been steadily saving your money and now you have a nice sum of $1,000. What should you do with your $1,000? There are all kinds of answers to this question and before you decide what you are going to do with it, you need to first ask yourself a few...
by Don | Manage Your Finances
Do you waste money? You probably do. In fact, there are probably some things you do to waste money and not even realize it. I’ve been guilty of wasting money myself. In some cases, I didn’t realize it until someone else pointed it out to me. I’m...